
统一电力市场中兼顾市场效率与经济公平的构想 被引量:20

Conception of Both Market Efficiency and Economical Impartiality in Unified Electricity Market
摘要 南方电网中的五省(区)间差异巨大,为了建立统一的区域电力市场,在建立公平的交易机制和交易规则、促进自由竞争、提高市场效率的同时,必须考虑交易结果对区域内经济协调发展的影响。作者将关税理论应用于南方区域电力市场,结合各地区经济发展水平,提出了对自由竞争结果进行适度宏观调控的基本思路。算例分析表明,该思路是可行的。 The economic differences among the five provinces (or region) constituting Southern Power Grid in China are evident. To setup a unified areal electricity market, the impact of transaction results on harmonious development of economy within the area must be considered while the fair transaction mechanism and transaction rules are built up to promote free competition and improve market efficiency. Applying the tariff theory to Southern Electricity Market and according to the economic development levels of different regions, the authors propose a basic thinking of performing appropriate macroscopic readjustment and control to the results of free competition. Calculation result of an actual example shows that the proposed thinking is feasible.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期59-62,共4页 Power System Technology
关键词 统一电力市场 经济公平 市场效率 关税 unified electricity market, economic impartiality market efficiency tariff
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