
新疆杏与华北杏果实主要营养成分比较分析 被引量:52

Comparison Analyzis on Main Nutritive Component of Xinjiang Apricot and North China Apricot
摘要 分析测定了南疆20个杏品种果肉总糖、总酸、VC和可溶性固形物及水不溶性固形物含量,种仁的蛋白质、脂肪含量,果实的其它性状,以10个华北杏为对照。结果表明,新疆杏品种糖分含量高而酸度低,糖酸比高达13.34,是华北杏的1.5倍;两大品种群的VC、水不溶性固形物、种仁的脂肪和蛋白质含量在总体差异不明显,但在品种间有极显著差异;新疆杏果型偏小,平均果重比华北杏低了近15 g,但其可溶性固形物含量极高,比华北杏高了近4个百分点,风味口感明显不同于华北杏。 In this paper, several characters are determined to contrast with 10 apricot varieties of north China including sarcocarp' s total sugar, total organic acid, vitamin C (VC), water soluble solides (SS) and water insoluble solides content and kemel' s protein, fat and fruit' s other characters of 20 apricot varieties that came from South of Xinjiang. The result shows that the sugar of Xinjiang variety Is higher, whereas the acidity is lower than variety of north China, its ratio of sugar to acid is 13.34 which is 1.5 times as high as north China apricot. The differences of VC, water insoluble solides content and kernel' s protein, fat are not significant between two variety populations, but are extremely significant among varieties. The fruit type of Xinjiang apricot is smaller and the weight is about 15g lower than north China apricot, but its content of SS is very high, about 4 % higher than north China apricot, the mouthfeel is obviously different from the north China apricot.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2006年第2期140-144,共5页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家教育部重点科技项目"新疆南疆杏资源研究"(204178)
关键词 杏品种 果实 营养成分 蛋白质 variety of apricot fruit nutritive component
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