目的按肩周炎疼痛的轻重和功能障碍的严重程度,确定不同的病情分度和不同的治疗分级。方法本组100例根据临床症状和体征,将其分成轻、中、重3度,依次为42例、38例与 20例。将各种治疗肩周炎的方法分成一级、二级、三级治疗方案。轻度肩周炎用一级治疗方案:针灸、按摩、理疗、运动;中度肩周炎用二级治疗方案:痛点阻滞+手法松解+功能锻炼;重度肩周炎用三级治疗方案:痛点阻滞+臂丛阻滞+手法松解+功能锻炼。结果轻度患者治愈、显效、有效分别为40例、1例与1例,中度患者治愈、显效、有效分别为36例、2例与0例,重度患者治愈、显效、有效分别为17例、2例与1例。总治愈93例(93%),总显效5例(5%),总有效2例(2%)。结论分级治疗做到轻病轻治,重病重治。避免治疗方法上的单一性和盲目性。使肩周炎的治愈率提高,治疗时间缩短。
Objective To separate the degrees of scapulohumeral periarthritis according to the pain and abnormal functions,and observe the treatment results by different methods. Methods According to the clinical symptoms and signs, the scapulohumeral periarthritis were divided into three degrees:mild, middle and severe; correspondingly, the treatment methods also divided into three levels:level one including acupuncture, massage, physical treatment and activity for mild scapulohumeral periarthritis, level two including trigger point injection, maneuver lysis and taking exercise for middle and level three including trigger point injection, brachial plexus block, maneuver lysis and taking exercise for severe patients. There were 100 patients in this study,in which mild degree 42 patients,middle degree 38 patients and severe 20 patients. Results The rate of excellent,good and effective was 40, 1 and 1 cases in mild degree patients; 36, 2 and 0 cases in middle degree patients;17, 2 and 1 cases in severe degree patients, respectively. The total rates of excellent, good and effective was 93 (93%), 5 (5%)and 2 (2%) respectively. Conclusion Different methods for different degrees of scapulohumeral periarthritis is an effective method to promote the cure rate.
Pain Clinic Journal
Frozen Shoulder
Signs and Symptoms
Manipulation Therapy