As far as legal principles are concerned, it is more vital to explore their apllications in judicial trials than to define them. In general, there exist four situations in which legal principles are applied in judicial practices. Firstly, the principle will act as the basis and guidance of the rule when a legal principle is in accord with a legal rule. Secondly, a legal principle will be applied for dealing with the legal loophole when a legal rule is missed. Thirdly, a legal principle will be used for making an exception of a legal rule when the principle conflicts with the rule. Finally, the situation in which legal principles are conflicted is especially complicated. These four situations may be structurally intercrossed and overlapping. And the first situation of the application of principles has been well known, but the other situations, especially the third and fourth situations are in need of more research . From the deep perspective of normative jurisprudential methodology, this article attempts to investigate the logical structure of the judicial application of legal principles.
China Legal Science