
廉江地区某镇鼠类及其体内寄生虫感染情况的初步调查 被引量:21

Investigation on Parasite Infection of Rats from Lianjiang District in Guangdong Province
摘要 目的了解广东省廉江地区农村鼠类广州管圆线虫、带状链尾蚴、肝毛细线虫和旋毛虫感染的情况。方法在室内、外采用电捕鼠器、鼠笼和粘鼠板等方法捕鼠,鉴定种类后,取其心肺组织、肝脏和膈肌检查广州管圆线虫、带状链尾蚴、肝毛细线虫和旋毛虫的感染情况。结果共捕获鼠类236只,有黄胸鼠、褐家鼠、小家鼠、臭、施氏屋顶鼠和社鼠6种,其中黄胸鼠为优势种,占58.5%,其次为褐家鼠,占22.5%。上述鼠寄生虫的总感染率约为35.59%。其中,广州管圆线虫和带状链尾蚴的感染率较高,分别为17.37%和16.95%;肝毛细线虫感染率较低,为1.27%;旋毛虫的感染率为0。不同鼠种中褐家鼠的寄生虫感染率最高(66.00%),感染的寄生虫种数亦最多,黄胸鼠次之(35.50%)。广州管圆线虫在野栖鼠中感染率很高,在家栖鼠中感染率很低;带状链尾蚴在野栖与家栖鼠中均可找到,只是在野栖鼠中感染率较高;肝毛细线虫仅在家栖的褐家鼠中检出。结论广东省廉江地区农村鼠类广州管圆线虫与带状链尾蚴感染情况相当普遍和严重;肝毛细线虫亦有一定程度的感染。 Objective To investigate the natural infection rate of Angiostrongylus cantonensis, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, Capillaria hepatica and Trichinella spiralis in rats from countryside of Lianjiang district of Guangdong province. Methods The parasites above were examined in lungs, livers and diaphragms of rats captured from both indoors and outdoors, Results 236 rats belong to six species were obtained in total. Rattus flavipectus is the most (58.5 % ) dominant species in number. R . norvegicus is the second (22.5 % ). Mus musculus , Suncus murinus , Rattus sladeni and Rattus con fucianus are totally 19 %. Total infection rate of the parasites in these rats is about 35.59 %. The natural infection rates of A. cantonensis, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, C. hepatica and T. spiralis are 17.37 % , 16.95 % , 1.27 % and 0 respectively. Among different rat species, parasite infection rate of R. norvegicus is the highest (66.00 % ) and R. Jlavipectus is the second (35.50 % ). Furthermore the natural infection rates of A. cantonensis in rats captured from the wild is significantly higher than that from the domicile. S. )asciolaris is easier to be found in rats captured from the wild too. However, C, hepatica is only discovered in R. norvegicus captured from the domicile. Conclusion The infection of A. cantonensis and S. fasciolar is prevalent and serious in rats from countryside of Lianjiang district of Guangdong province, the infection of C. hepatica also exists in the rats.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期99-101,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 鼠类 寄生虫 感染情况 Rat Parasite Infection rate
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