
从教育质量到质量教育的议论——香港特区的经验与教训 被引量:38

From Discourses of Education Quality to Quality Education:The Experiences and Lessons from HKSAR
摘要 教育质量渐渐成为内地教育政策议论中的一个重要议题。在香港特区, 有关教育质素与优质教育的议论已推行了近十年。本文旨在探讨香港特区教育质素政策的发展,并分析有关政策措施带来的一种“核数文化”的后果;继而剖析香港特区推行的优质教育所蕴含着对教育的特定的知识论与本体论的设定;最后应用哈贝马斯对知识旨趣的三种界定,来说明优质教育的三种不同的构思,并揭示现行香港特区所推行的优质教育措施的偏闭与局限。 Discourse on education quality has emerged as one of the essential agenda in the education policy context of China. Corresponding discourses on education quality and quality education have been at work in the education policy context of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for more than a decade. This article aims to trace the development of the education-quality discourse in HKSAR. It will also analyze one of the consequences that the policy discourse has entailed, namely the audit culture. The epistemological and ontological foundation underlying the quality-education policy discourse at work in HKSAR will then be traced and revealed. By applying Habermas' conceptions of three human interests of knowledge, the paper will concluded with an explication of different concepts of quality education and revelation of the bias of limitation of the quality-education policy implemented by the HKSAR Government.
作者 曾荣光
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 北大核心 2006年第1期129-144,共16页 Peking University Education Review
关键词 教育质量 教育质素 优质教育 education quality quality education
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