目的探讨人骨髓间充质干细胞(hMSCs)在体内向前列腺癌微环境趋向转移的特性。方法应用人前列腺癌细胞株PC-3异种皮下种植建立前列腺癌严重联合免疫缺陷小鼠 (SCID)模型,通过密度梯度离心和贴壁法分离、培养hMSCs,将体外4,6-联脒-2-苯基吲哚(DAPI) 标记的4~6代hMSCs经尾静脉和肿瘤周围注射入荷瘤SCID鼠体内,分别在经尾静脉注射后17 d 和肿瘤周围注射后7、10、14 d处死小鼠,收集肿瘤和肝、肺、脾、肾等脏器作冰冻切片和石蜡切片, 在荧光显微镜下观察肿瘤及各脏器中hMSCs的分布情况。结果前列腺癌SCID鼠模型成瘤率 83.3%,经尾静脉注射DAPI标记的hMSCs后17 d和肿瘤周围注射DAPI标记的hMSCs后7、10、 14 d,荧光显微镜下显示,前列腺癌组织中可见DAPI标记的hMSCs的核呈蓝色荧光,而肝、肺、脾、肾等脏器中均未见hMSCs的存在。结论 hMSCs在体内具有向前列腺癌微环境趋向转移的特性。
Objective To investigate the migration behavior of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in response to prostate cancer microenviroment in vivo. Methods The human prostate cancer cell line PC-3 was injected into the flank or axillary of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice subcutaneously to establish human prostate cancer xenograft models, hMSCs were harvested from donor's ribs of human cadaver renal transplantation and separated by density gradient centrifuge, hMSCs between passages 4 to 6 were labeled with 4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). DAPI-labded hMSCs were injected into the bearing cancer SCID mice via tail vein or 0.5 cm away from peritumor subcutaneously. Seventeen days after injection via tail vein, and 7, 10 and 14 days after injection by peritumor subcutaneously, the mice were killed and their tumors, livers, lungs, spleens and kidneys were harvested. Frozen sections and paraffin-embedded sections were used to observe the distribution of exogenous DAPI-labeled hMSCs in vivo by a fluorescence microscope. Results In SCID mice injected with PC-3 subcutaneously, the tumorigenic rate was 83.3 %. The tumors were identified by pathology. Seven days after injection of hMSCs via tail vein, and 7, 10 and 14 days after injection of hMSCs by peritumor subcutaneously, DAPI-labeled hMSCs with blue nuclei were distributed extensively in the tumors. But no blue nucleus were seen in the livers, lungs, spleens and kidneys. Conclusion Exogenous purified hMSCs can migrate to prostate cancer mi t in vivo.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
Mesenchymal stem cells
Prostate carcinoma