
我国中小企业发展中的问题与对策研究 被引量:21

Problems with the Development of China's SMEs and the Countermeasures
摘要 本文认为,我国中小企业的总体水平不高,存在着缺乏科学的经营战略、融资难、自身的企业文化阻碍其健康发展、客户关系管理不完善、人员整体素质偏低、管理方法落后及水平低下等问题。要解决这些问题,必须要强化战略管理,结合自身实际,选择“小而精、小而专”战略、经营特色战略、高新技术战略或特许经营战略等;建立适合自身特点的人力资源管理机制,建立科学、合理的薪酬机制,采取股权激励、提供晋升和发展机会等方法留才用才;创建有特色的企业文化,与时俱进,凝聚企业员工;建立健全客户关系管理制度,对有价值的客户采取有针对性的策略。同时,政府也要介入,政府、金融机构与企业协作,为中小企业的健康发展提供便利。 The author points out that the overall level of China's SMEs is not very high, and there are still some problems with them, such as the problems of the lack of scientific strategies, the difficulties in financing. To solve these problems, we should, first, strengthen strategic management and choose the suitable strategies according to their characteristics: second, establish human resources management mechanism: keep up with the times and create specific corporate culture: establish and improve the system of customer relationship management.
作者 李福学
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期49-51,共3页 China Business and Market
关键词 中小企业 战略管理 企业文化 薪酬机制 SMEs strategy management corporate culture salary mechanism
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