Literatures on the research of the Great bustard (Otis tarda) from 1959 to 2005 were collected and analyzed in 2 aspects; in-situ conservation and ex-situ conservation. The first literature was published in 1959 and in 1980s, literatures became gradually published in series; among them, 67.2%were on in-situ conservation, much more than 32.8% on ex-situ conservation. Analysis of literatures showed that nature reserves did not play an effective role in in-situ conservation, while ex-situ conservation had gained certain effect in the maintenance of a stable population, yet only in some region, artificial reproduction had gained some success. In addition, stress and diseases were still the main function in ex-situ conservation. Conservation strategies of the great bustard was then discussed, focusing on the cooperative affect of environment, conservation and researches.
Great bustard
Conservation strategies
In-situ conservation
Ex-situ conservation