Many cartographers establish classification indexes of geomorphology at will at present. Their purpose what they do are that they want to enrich map patterns in order to make the map beautiful. What they do making the names of geomorphologie types confusion mueh, and bring the result of hinder popularize and utilize the geomorphologie knowledge in produetion. The deep reasons of these results were carry out except there are many shortcomings in present geomorphologic classification, the main reason is present geomorphologie classifications pay no more attentions to a relation knot which exited within geomorphologie elassification. This knot is the variable and invariable indexes of geomorphologic elassification. Countering this tendeney, the artiele puts forward the variable and invariable indexes of geomorphologic classification firstly and studied the resolvent from the angles of integrating theory with practice and from various angles. The article draws a conelusion finally: The concepts of geomorphologie types are ensured and unified when variable indexes and it is being put forwarded and being set up. It is also avoided that the concepts of geomorphologie types are eorffused. Flexibility is strengthened and also set up a platform for real need, regional eharaeters, individual interesting and individual creativeness when the invariable indexes is being put forward and being set up. The article also works out numerical value for variable indexes and invariable indexes and sets up a variable and invariable indexes model of geomorphologie elassification.
World Sci-Tech R&D
coneepts of geomorphologie types, the variable and invariable indexes of geomorphologie elassification, elassification system model