Polyaluminium ferric chloride with sulfate ion increasing polymeric (PAFCS),anew type of inorganic polymeric flocculant, is prepared in acid soaking solutions from gangue-a kind of waste from coal--mine, or from sulphide iron ore slag--a kind of waste from sulphuric acid industry. The PAFCS solid samples were studied with iR spectroscopy.The restilts showed that the structure was more complicated polymeric with OH bridge.its iRspectroscopy was diffrent from that of auFe,O,a-FeOOH and Fe(OH),but similar to PAC,PFS, PACS in literature reported. The 7--OH stretching vibration wave number at 3100-3600cm(-1)and H-OH bending vibration at 1600~ 1650cm lshowed the connectoins with OHgroups between the Fe or Al atom,ie,the presence of structural hydroxyl in PAFCS. The Fe-OH-Fe or Al-OH-Al bending vibration frequency at about 1100cm(-1)was mid-strengthand demonstrated the Fe-OH or Al -OH and the existence of polymeric structure.
Journal of Ningxia University(Natural Science Edition)