用10、20、40、80 mg/L的烯效唑溶液对马铃薯早熟品种Favorita植株进行了叶面喷施试验。结果表明:烯效唑可以降低马铃薯植株的株高和植株地上鲜重,提高地下植株的块茎数量和块茎干重,增加块茎重量。其中以40 mg/L烯效唑叶面处理马铃薯植株的产量最高,效果最好。
:The leaves of potato plant were treated by the different concentrations uniconazole with 10,20, 40,80 mg/L. The results showed that the uniconazole may reduce the plant height and the above-ground fresh weight, increase thetuber number, raise the tuber weight, The potato plant treated with 40 mg/L uniconazole have the best yield of tuber.
Liaoning Agricultural Sciences