
从学科的角度全面审视民族传统体育学——对民族传统体育学的基本认识 被引量:37

Review on the Nationality Traditional Sports in the View of Discipline——The Basic Cognition on the Study of the Nationality Traditional Sports
摘要 从学科的角度,按照学科的窄定义、建构学科的基本标准、学科的结构特点等学科知识对民族传统体育学进行了分析,提出了目前民族传统体育学存在的学科属性不够成熟和系统、现有的专业培养目标与实际工作有落差等急待解决的问题,同时,界定了民族传统体育定义、研究对象、学科性质、研究方法等基本问题,并提出应该从学科角度加强对民族传统体育学进行更为深入细致地研究、鉴于目前实际情况,应该先完成武术学科的基本建设、注意从运动项目的具体形态入手研究民族传统体育等建议。 In the view of science, according to the narrow definition, the standards of building the discipline, structural characteristics of discipline, this study analyzed the nationality traditional sports. It was proposed that there existed some problems in the nationality traditional sports, such as the subject characteristics is not maturate and systematic ; the gap between the training objectives of specialty and the practical teaching situation. Meanwhile the definition of the nationality traditional sports, research objects, subject characteristics, and research methods were defined. It was also proposed to conduct the in-depth research on the nationality traditional sports in the perspective of the discipline. Accordingly, it is necessary to complete the fundamental construction of Wushu and draw on the detailed feature of Wushu events.
作者 武冬
机构地区 北京体育大学
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期522-525,共4页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
关键词 民族传统体育学 学科 认识 subject the nationality traditional sports cognition
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