
人力资本与区域全要素生产率分析 被引量:283

Human Capital Accumulation and Regional Total Factor Productivity
摘要 本文采用Malmquist指数分析了我国30个省级行政区1996—2003年的全要素生产率(TFP)增长,并将其分解为技术进步指数和效率变化指数。为了减少计算偏差,我们在使用承认无效率项存在的生产前沿技术的同时,引入了人力资本要素。本文的分析结果表明我国的人力资本水平增长迅速,30个省区的经济增长效率差距逐年扩大。同时我们发现在引入人力资本要素后,1996—2003年区域全要素生产率的增长得益于技术进步;如果不考虑人力资本存量,则低估了同期的效率提高程度,而高估了期间的技术进步指数。 This paper, applying Mahnquist index, analyzes the Total Factor Productivity evolution in 30 provinces in China from 1996 to 2003 by breaking down productivity gains into technical change and efficiency change. To avoid hiases, Malmquist index of productivity, including human capital, is estimated. Such results are drawn: The accumulation of human capital in China is quite rapid; the efficiency deviation appears to have an obvious increasing trend; productivity growth was found for the data period, and it was accomplished mainly through the technical progress rather than efficiency improvement. The comparison between including human capital and excluding human capital indicates that the efficiency index has been underestimated and the technology progress index has been overrated.
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期90-96,127,共8页 Economic Research Journal
关键词 人力资本 区域经济增长 全要素生产率 MALMQUIST指数 Human Capital Regional Economic Growth Total Factor Productivity Malmquist Index
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