

Determination of content of sulphur in polymer antistatic agent by pyrolysis oxidization ion chromatography
摘要 采用高温裂解、碱吸收、氧化法将高分子抗静电剂中的硫(S^2-)转化为为硫酸根(SO4^2-),利用离子色谱法测定了SO4^2-的量,从而得到抗静电剂中硫元素的含量.方法高效、灵敏、选择性好.硫检出限为0.28mg/L;相对标准偏差为1.1%~2.4%;回收率98.9%~100.7%. In the paper, the polymer antistatic agent was pyrolysised. The sulfur in it was oxidized to SO4^2- which hwas determined by ion chromatography. So the content of sulphur in the polymer antistantic agent was attained. The proposed method was efficient, sensitive and high selectivity. Experimental results showed that the detection limit was 0.28mg/L. the relative standard derivations were 1.1%-2.4%. The recoveries of added standard was 98.9%-100.7%.
作者 吴平 申书昌
出处 《高师理科学刊》 2006年第2期39-42,共4页 Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University
关键词 高分子抗静电剂 裂解氧化 离子色谱 硫含量 polymer antistatic agent pyrolysis oxidization ion chromatography sulphur content
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