目的探索口腔固定修复计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制作—CAD/CAM(Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacture)系统的单冠设计路线,为研制我国具有自主知识产权的固定修复CAD/CAM系统奠定基础。方法通过机械式扫描仪获取已进行完牙体预备需进行单冠修复的模型、对颌模型及正中牙合的咬合模型的数据,在I-DEAS软件中通过一系列的调整得到适于该个体的单冠的数据,从而得到单冠的设计路线,并以IGES格式存储所得数据,以备后续的数控加工程序进行加工。结果得到了单冠的计算机辅助设计的设计路线。结论单冠的计算机辅助设计路线是可行的,具有一定的理论与实践意义,为口腔固定修复CAD/CAM系统的进一步开发打下基础。
Objective To explore the CAD program of a single crown to lay the foundation for the development of a dental CAD/CAM system with independent intellectual property. Methods The gypsum model of the abutment tooth and the apposition mode of a patient were scanned by the mechanical scanner; they were also scanned in eentrie occlusion. The acquired data were processed in I - DEAS program, and then the data of the crown fitting the peculiar patient were obtained and saved in IGES format that can be used by other programs, which can be compatible with machining process. The CAD program of a single crown was obtained. Resalts The CAD program of a single crown was obtained, CoheSion The CAD program of a single crown is feasible, It provides foundation for the development of the dental CAD/CAM system.
Journal of Modern Stomatology