
两种微波辅助萃取法萃取满山红叶中总黄酮 被引量:4

A Comparative Study on Two Microwave-Assisted Extractions of Ingredient Flavonoids from Rhododendron dauricum L.
摘要 用敞口和密闭两种微波萃取装置,对满山红叶中有效成分总黄酮进行了微波萃取的比较研究.在乙醇体积分数为80%,敞口微波辐射时间为10 min,温度为90℃,液固比为40∶1时,萃取效率为115.6%;密闭微波辐射时间为20 min,压力为600 kPa,液固比为20∶1的条件下萃取效率为114.0%.与传统的回流提取法相比较,两种微波萃取法萃取效率都高于回流提取法,敞口微波萃取效果则更好一些. Two microwave-assisted extraction procedures, open-vessel device and closed-vessel device, were developed and compared for flavonoids in Chinese herbal madicine Rhododendron dauricum L.. The effect of the solvent consistence is 115.6% when microwave radiation time is 10 min, temperatures is 90℃ and liquid/solid ratio is 40 : 1. The effect of the solvent consistence is 114.0% when microwave radiation time is 20 min, pressure is 600 kPa, and liquid/solid ratio is 20 : 1. Compared with traditional refluence extraction, microwave-assisted extraction is even more efficient, and the open-vessel microwave-assisted device is more efficient than the closed-vessel device.
出处 《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期210-213,共4页 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)
基金 吉林省科技厅项目(吉科合字第20000105号)
关键词 微波辅助萃取 满山红叶 黄酮 microwave-assisted extraction Rhododendron dauricum L fiavonoids
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