
燕麦面团流变学及加工特性研究 被引量:28

Dough Rheology and Processing Character of Oat Flour
摘要 以燕麦粉为原料,以中强筋小麦粉为对照,研究燕麦粉与小麦粉不同配比混合粉的面团流变学特性和食品加工特性。结果认为,与小麦粉相比,燕麦蛋白质组分中清蛋白、醇溶蛋白含量较低,球蛋白含量高,谷蛋白含量稍低。燕麦粉峰值、最大、最终黏度均小于对照小麦粉。加入燕麦粉后,面团形成时间延长,稳定时间降低。用淀粉代替燕麦粉,同样添加量下面包及馒头比容、总评分降低,面条吸水率、总评分降低,失落率升高。当面粉取代量大于5%时,对混粉食品制作品质有显著影响。加入10%、25%、10%燕麦粉制作面条、馒头和面包是较为理想的配比。 The rheology and food processing character of mixed dough of oat flour and wheat flour were investigated. Comparing with wheat flour, oat flour has lower contents of albumin and gliadian, higher content of globulin, and a little lower content of glutenin. The oat flour dough has higher peak viscosity, maximum viscosity and final viscosity than wheat flour dough. The mixed dough of oat flour and wheat flour has longer dough development time, but shorter stability time. Mixing wheat flour with wheat starch instead of oat flour in the same proportion, the specific volume and sensory evaluation score of produced bread and steam bread reduce, and the noodle water absorption and total evaluation score reduce but water loss increases. The food quality significantly declines when the starch mixing level is higher than 5%. The optimum mixing proportion of oat flour with wheat flour for noodle, steam bread, and bread making is 10%, 25% and 10%, respectively.
出处 《中国粮油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期49-51,共3页 Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association
基金 西北农林科技大学青年基金项目资助
关键词 燕麦 流变学特性 加工特性 oat flour, dough rheology, food processing character
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