
锥形流乘波体优化设计研究 被引量:18

Viscous Optimized Design of Waverider Derived from Cone Flow
摘要 随着马赫数的升高,波阻和摩阻增加,形成升阻比“屏障”,而乘波构型飞行器是克服这一屏障的有效途径.本文在Ma∞=4.0~20.0、高度H=24.0~52.0 km、圆锥角Ac=5°~10°的条件下,以升阻比为目标函数,进行了乘波体的优化设计,讨论了对乘波体优化外形的影响因素,并给出全马赫数范围的优化乘波体外形及其气动力结果. This paper is concerned with a method of generating the optimized waverider. Both the wave drag and the friction drag increase as the Mach number becomes higher for hypersonic flow; moreover, a technique difficult will appear which is called L/D barrier. The waverider aerodynamic configuration may be a way to overcome this barrier. A family of optimized hypersonic waverider is generated and studied and the detailed viscous effects are included within the optimization progress itself, The viscous optimized process is completed with maximum lift over drag ratio as optimized objections at the conditions of Ma∞=4.0~20.0, attitudes of H=24.0 52.0 km, and cone angle differed from 5° to 10°. Shapes and aerodynamics of waveriders with Maximum L/D at different Mach numbers are obtained.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期23-28,共6页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(90405012)资助项目
关键词 乘波体 优化设计 空气动力学 升阻比 waverider optimized design aerodynamics lif-drag ratio
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