
去除白细胞输血的临床意义 被引量:2

The clinical use of leukocyte removal filter in blood transfusion
摘要 目的:评估去除白细胞输血的临床应用价值。方法:251例患者接受了去除白细胞红细胞悬液761U,(每人1 ̄8U不等),对其中200U红细胞悬液滤除白细胞前、后分别进行白细胞计数和血红蛋白测定,并对其输血反应进行了观察。结果:发现应用白细胞滤器后,其白细胞数比过滤前显著减低,过滤前、后白细胞数分别为(6.16±1.44)×109/L与(0.12±0.10)×109/L(P<0.01),血红蛋白过滤前、后无显著性差异,分别为:(161.58±23.31)g/L与(157.84±22.35)g/L,P>0.05。251例接受去白细胞受血者均未出现输血反应。结论:白细胞滤器能有效去除白细胞,去除白细胞能减少非溶血性输血反应。 Objective To evaluate the application of leukocyte removal filter in clinical bloodtransfusion. Method 251patients were given leukocytes-removed 761units.The 200 units of concentrated RBC used in the study was analysed for WBC and Hb before and after being passed through the leukocyte removal filter. The recipients were monitored for any blood transfusion reaction for two days. Results The leukocyte count was markedly reduced after the filtration (P〈0.01),but there was no change in Hb level(P〉0.05).No blood transfusion reaction was observed in the 251 patients receiving leuko-depleted blood. Conclusion Leukocyte removal filter can effectively deplete the leukocytes in blood,its application may be useful to reduce non-hemolytic blood transfusion reaction.
出处 《吉林医学》 CAS 2006年第5期493-494,共2页 Jilin Medical Journal
关键词 白细胞滤器 输血 输血反应 去除白细胞输血 Leukocyteremovalfilter Chinical blood transfusion Blood transfusion reaction
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