HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) system has to run in a high stability, when a fault comes up, the system should distinguish in time which fault occurs and then recovers quickly. Neural network can map complex input/output by associations learned from pervious experience, so it is suitable to be used in fault diagnosis. Firstly, an HVDC system model is established according to the first benchmark model under PSCAD (Power System CAD). Its constant dc voltage is 500kV and constant dc current is 2kA. Then six most common faults are selected: Single Line to Ground, Double Line to Ground, Line to Line Fault, 3 Phase, DC Fault and no Fault. Based on this model, we a lot of experiments are carried out Through the analysis, it is found that some variables have great relations with the six faults. The 3 phase ac voltages (Va, Vb and Vc), dc line current (Idr) and ground current (IG) are used as inputs obtained from fault simulations in the HVDC system. The dc line current measurement is used for detecting dc line faults. The simulation results are well organized and used under MATLAB to train NN. Four different network configurations (BP, RBF, SOM and LVQ) are tried, and they all give a correct classification. From the result, it is seen that that NN is a good method to realize HVDC fault diagnosis. Further research is going on. More faults will be included in our research and it is tried to complete the whole work in real time.
High Voltage Engineering