Batch adsorption experiments were carried out to investigate effect landfill sites(0,4 ~ 5,12y) on the sorption of Cd^2+ , Pb^2+ in the acidic and of dissolved organic matter( DOM ) of landfill lcachate derived from different calcareous soil. The results showed that the snrption of Cd^2+ ,Pb^2+ in soils was enhanced in the presence of landfill-leaehate DOM . The Sorption isotherm of Cd^2+ ,Pb^2+ in soils in the presence of different landfill leaehate DOM could be described well by the Frcnudlich eqation (R2 〉 0.94), and the Sorption of Cd^2+ and Pb^2+ in soils were 1.13 to 1.42 and 1.09 to 1.84 times higher than the control in absence of landfill leachate DOM, respectively. At the same initial concentration of Cd^2+ and Pb^2+, acidic soil demonstrated much less ability to retain the Cd^2+ and Pb^2+than calcareous soil due to much lower pH in the former, and landfill-leachate of longer landfill age enhanced sorption of Cd^2+ ,Pb^2+in soils in comparison with the shorter the landfill age of landfill-leachate. The results showed that in the presence of landfill leachate DOM, increase of Cd^2+, Pb^2+ sorption capacity in soils was obvious with an increase in pH.
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae