
微生物燃料电池的研究进展 被引量:27

Progress in Research on Microbial Fuel Cells
摘要 根据有无电子传递中间体的参与,微生物燃料电池可分为两大类:直接和间接微生物燃料电池.简要介绍了其工作原理及发展历史,归纳了近年来国内外对这两种类型电池的研究现状,特别概括了直接微生物燃料电池的研究进展以及存在的问题和工作方向.最后展望了微生物燃料电池的应用前景. According as there are mediators or not, the microbial fuel cells could be classified in two classes: indirect microbial fuel cells and direct microbial fuel cells. In this article, research progresses of microbial fuel cells in recent years were summarized. The operation principles and history of microbial fuel cells were described. Present researches of direct microbial fuel cells and the problems to be resolved were specifically pointed out. Finally, the application prospect of microbial fuel cells was forecasted.
出处 《过程工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期334-338,共5页 The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:20476009)
关键词 微生物燃料电池 电子传递中间体 电子传递速率 microbial fuel cell redox mediator rate of electron transfer
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