
Ni_(40.5)Co_(32.5)Al_(27)马氏体合金的冷变形和再结晶行为 被引量:2

Cold rolling deformation and recrystallization behavior of martensite Ni_(40.5)Co_(32.5)Al_(27) alloy
摘要 采用金相观察和硬度测定方法研究了马氏体Ni40.5Co32.5Al27合金的冷轧组织和再结晶行为。结果表明,马氏体Ni40.5Co32.5Al27合金有优异的冷加工能力,其临界冷轧压下量在46.2%~46.9%之间;马氏体相β′和延性γ相变形协调性好,合金经大变形后两相相界没有微裂纹。冷轧Ni40.5Co32.5Al27合金在1073K^1173K发生强烈回复,在1273K温度发生完全再结晶,随着淬火温度的升高合金中γ相体积分数不断减少,β′相晶粒不断长大。 The cold rolling deformation ability of martensite Ni0.5Co32.5Al27 alloy was evaluated, and its cold rolling mierostructure and recrystallization behavior were investigated by metallography and micro hardness methods. It is found that martensite based Ni0.5Co32.5Al27 alloy exhibits excellent cold workability with a cold rolling critical reduction ratio of 46.2%~46.9 0%. Excellent compatibility in shape changes of martensiteβ′ phase and ductile γphase results in free of cracks in their interface after heavy cold rolling. Strong recovery process happens in the temperature range of 1073K~1173K and completed recrystallized process takes place at 1273K for cold rolling Ni0.5Co32.5Al27 alloy. The volume fraction of γ phase decreases with the increasing of quenched temperature and martensitic β′ grains grow at the same process.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期78-82,共5页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目。
关键词 冷轧 Ni-Co-Al合金 马氏体 cold rolling Ni-Co-Al alloy martensite
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