

Commissioning of Φ3.8m×52.69m kiln system
摘要 冀东水泥吉林公司改造型2400t/d熟料新型干法生产线因多方面原因的制约,存在诸多不足。在系统调试过程中,曾出现过窑尾回灰过大,标准仓下料不稳,三级预热器锥体频繁挂料等等问题;而且投产初期,游离钙偏高,熟料“黄心料”现象严重,易磨性差。在具体的系统分析基础上,通过采取针对性的工艺技术和操作控制措施,上述问题得到了很好的解决,系统实现达标稳定生产。 Restricted by several factors, there existed many aenciencies in 2400t/d reconstructed production line of jidong Cement Jilin Company. In commissioning process, the returned dust quantity was too great, the the dropping of standard bin was unstable and the cone of C3 preheater picked up material in high frequency. In initial stages of formal production, the content of f-CaO was a little high, the “yellow core material” was too much and its grindability was bad. Through systemic analyse, and by process technology and operation contronl measure, the above problems are solved appropriafly and the whole system realize standard and stable production.
出处 《水泥工程》 CAS 2006年第3期40-42,共3页 Cement Engineering
关键词 窑系统 调试 回灰量 生料 黄心料 kiln system commissioning quantity of returned dust raw material yellow core material
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