

Diagenesis of Amino Acids in Fossil Bones and Teeth
摘要 分析了两广地区一些第四纪骨和牙化石的氨基酸含量、外消旋程度,探讨了化石中氨基酸的成岩变化特征,阐述了化石中残留蛋白的降解导致氨基酸外消旋速度的变化。 The content and racemization degrees of amino acids in fossil bones and teeth buried in some Quaternary deposits in Guangdong province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and in Nanyue King′s mausoleum, were analyzed. The results show that proteins in fossils had been gradually degraded into free amino acids and shorter peptides with the increase of burial time, and the amino acid compositions also had been modified. Amino acids in fossils had continuously racemized since buried. Free, terminal and interion amino acids have different racemization rates, which explained why amino acid in various dialysis fractions had different racemization degrees. It can also be expected that amino acids racemization will deviate linear kinetics with the further hydrolysis of residual proteins in fossils.
出处 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1996年第4期101-106,共6页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
关键词 化石 氨基酸 成岩作用 外消旋作用 第四纪 fossil, amino acid, diagenesis, racemization
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