
递增负荷训练诱导的动情周期抑制大鼠肾上腺结构与功能变化 被引量:3

A Study of Incremental Load Training-induced Changes on Structure and Function of Adrenal Gland in Estrum Restrained Rats
摘要 目的:从肾上腺轴(HPA)对性腺轴(HPO)影响的角度,探讨运动性月经失调(AMI)的发生机制。方法:将35只成熟、健康的雌性2月龄SD大鼠随机分为对照组(C),7周训练组(Ta),7周训练恢复1周组(Tar),5周训练组(Tb)和3周训练组(Tc)。跟踪观察大鼠阴道细胞脱落情况。训练期结束后,使用电子透射显微镜和光学显微镜分别观察大鼠肾上腺皮质束状带细胞的超微结构和肾上腺直径及厚度,用化学发光法(CLIA)检测各组大鼠血浆促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平。结果:(1)训练5周后,Ta、Tb组大鼠出现不同程度的动情周期抑制。训练至第7周,Ta组大鼠阴道中底层细胞最多。(2)Ta、Tb组大鼠肾上腺皮质束状带窦状血管明显扩张,线粒体增多,线粒体和脂滴多见“半包裹”、“全包裹”现象;Tar组大鼠胞浆内出现胆固醇结晶体,胞浆浓缩,轻度核固缩;Tc组肾上腺束状带细胞胞浆内线粒体出现增生。光镜下,Ta组大鼠肾上腺皮质较C组明显增厚。(3)随着运动负荷的递增,大鼠血浆ACTH呈正性增高。Ta组与C组相比有显著性差异(P<0.05),恢复1周后,大鼠血浆ACTH水平有所下降。结论:递增负荷运动诱导了大鼠动情周期的抑制和肾上腺束状带结构与功能的改变。大鼠动情周期抑制发生在肾上腺轴活化到一定程度之后。经过短暂休息,大鼠动情周期抑制状况未见明显改观,这与垂体-肾上腺轴仍处于较高的活化水平有关。提示HPA轴的过度活化可能参与调节了AMI的发生。 Objective To investigate the effects of exercise - induced structure and function changes of adrcnal gland on hypothalamic - pituitary - ovarian axes (HPO), and further explore the mechanism of AMI. Methods 35 adult and health SD rats were divided into five groups randomly: control group(C) ; training for 7 weeks (Ta) and rest for 1 week(Tar) ; training for 5 weeks(Tb) ; training for 3 weeks(Tc). All rats did treadmill exercise at the same programe. Desquamated vagina cells were observed. The uhrastructural changes of zona fasciculate in adrenal gland were detected by TEM, and ACTH was measured by Chemiluminescence Immunoassay method. Results (1) The desquamated middle or bottom - level cells of vagina increased week by week and reached the highest at the seventh week in rats of Ta group. (2) In Ta group and Tb group, the sinus capillarys abviously expanded in the zona fasciculate of the adrenal zortex. The quantity of microrilli was much rich. The relationship between minochondrion and lipid droplets represented "half- wrapped'or "full -wrapped". In Tar group, some cholesterin crystals were founded in cells. (3) The concentration of plasma ACTH of Ta group in rats obviously increased comparing to C group ( P 〈 0.05). Conclusion Incremental training could result in both the restrained estrum and the activation of the PHA axes in rats. The activation of the HPA axes could be one of the mechanisms of AMI.
出处 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期276-281,共6页 Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine
基金 2003年国家体育总局应用基础研究课题项目(13012)资助
关键词 动情周期 肾上腺 超微结构 促肾上腺皮质激素 estrum, the adrenal gland, ultrastructure, adrenocorticotropin
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