

On the development of government-official-selecting system of ancient China
摘要 中国古代历朝不断完善的官吏选拔制度,为我们今天培养和选拔干部提供了许多有益的借鉴。在今天的社会主义现代化建设中,我们应吸取其精华,依法治官,不断提升干部队伍素质,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗。 Each dynasty of ancient China kept on perfecting the government-official-selecting system, which not only provides useful reference to today' s officials training and selection, but also deeply influences the world' s official system . During the course of socialist modernization, we should take advantage of it, and rule the officials according to the law to improve the quality of officials and fight for the revival of the nationhood.
作者 柴瑛
出处 《镇江高专学报》 2006年第2期76-78,共3页 Journal of Zhenjiang College
关键词 官吏选拔制度 世袭制 科举制 government-official-selecting system hereditary system imperial examination system
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