The impact of non-genetic factors such as birth year, birth type, birth season and birth sex on the birth weight of Hainan black goats was studied from 2001 to 2003. In the study, a total number of 545 litters including 783 kidlets were analyzed. The statistical analyses indicated that the proportion of 1 to 3 lambs per litter was 58.7%, 38.9% and 2.4% respectively. The ratio of male kidlets and female kidlets were 0.98 : 1. The action of birth years, birth types and birth sex on kidlets' birth weight were significant (p〈0.01) . The action of birth seasons was not significant (p〉0.05) . The interaction between two factors of 4 non-genetic factors analyzed on kidlets' birth weight was not significant (p〉0.05) , the interaction of the other factors on kidlets" birth weight was significant (p〈0.01) . The interaction of the third factor and fourth factor on kidlets' birth weight were significant (p〈0.01) .
Journal of South China University of Tropical Agriculture
Hainan black goats birth weight non-genetic factors