

Dynamic Changes of Myocardial Enzyme Spectrum in Teenagers with Acute Tetramine Poisoning
摘要 目的:探讨急性毒鼠强中毒青少年患者心肌酶谱(CK、CK-MB、AST、LDH、α-HBDH)的变化规律及与中毒量的关系,为临床诊治提供参考依据。方法:入院当天对18例中毒者进行毒鼠强浓度测定,并分别于2 h及3、5、7、14、21 d抽血进行心肌酶谱测定。结果:毒鼠强中毒患者与正常年龄组相比心肌酶谱大幅升高(P<0.01),且与毒鼠强浓度呈正相关(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:毒鼠强中毒患者心肌酶谱的升高与心肌损害和骨骼肌抽搐有关,与毒鼠强的浓度成正比,其升高是可逆的,测定心肌酶谱对病情诊断及预后判断具有重要意义。 Objective :To investigate the pattern changes in myocardial enzyme spectrum in teenage patients with acute Tetramine (TEM) poisoning and their relationship with plasma TEM concentration. Methods:The plasma TEM of 18 patients were measured on the admission day; the myocardial enzyme spectrum were measured at 2 h,and on 3,5,7,14 and 21 d of the hospitalization. Results:The myocardial enzyme spectrum of the patient group was much higher than that in the normal group (P 〈0.01 ) and it was positively correlated with plasma TEM concentration (P 〈 0.01 or P 〈 0.05). Conclusion:The rise of myocardial enzyme spectrum was related to the myocardial injury and convulsion of skeletal muscle,and it showed a direct ratio to plasma TEM concentration. Measurement of myocardial enzymes was of significance to diagnosis and accessing the prognosis of the illness.
机构地区 北京军区总医院
出处 《华北国防医药》 2006年第3期210-212,共3页 Medical Journal of Beijing Military Region
关键词 中毒 毒鼠强 心肌酶谱 青少年 Poisoning Tetramine Myocardial enzyme spectrum Teenager
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