
信号层融合在慢动小目标检测中的应用 被引量:4

Application of Signal Level Fusion for the Detection of Low-velocity Small Target
摘要 针对海上慢动小目标检测背景,提出了一种基于信号层融合的多雷达融合检测方法,并对实际应用中需要解决的问题进行了分析讨论。该方法利用目标和海杂波在不同频段下的统计性能差异,对多个雷达的观测信息在检测前进行融合,然后在相关域进行积累检测,与传统的检测方法相比,能够显著改善信号的信杂比,提高目标检测概率。 Considering the detection of low-velocity small target in sea clutter, a novel multiple radar fusion detection method based on the signal level fusion was proposed. The problem encountered in practical application was analyzed and discussed. The method utilizes the statistical characteristics difference of target and sea clutter in different frequency band. The information from multiple radar observation was integrated and accumulated. Finally, the detection was completed in correlation domain. Compared with the conventional detection method, the proposed method can effectively improve the signal-to-clutter ratio and increase the target detection probability.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期41-45,65,共6页 Modern Radar
关键词 目标检测 信号层融合 高阶互累积量 target detection signal level fusion higher order cross cumulant
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