
微乳生物柴油的制备及其性能研究 被引量:7

Study on preparation and performance of micro-emulsified bio-diesel oil
摘要 以精炼菜籽油进行脂交换反应,得到脂肪酸甲酯即生物柴油。根据微乳化理论,选择油酸作为表面活性剂,用生成的生物柴油配制了多种配比的微乳生物柴油,绘制了它们的三元相图。讨论了温度对微乳生物柴油稳定性的影响。所制备的微乳生物柴油在BH 175F-1型柴油机中燃烧,获得了与0#柴油相近的发动机动力性能和热效率。尾气中NO的含量明显减少,降污作用显著。 In this article, reaction of transesterification of refined colza oil was studied on the basis of the studies of others,fatty acid methyl ester formate namely bio-diesel oil was obtained. According to micro-emulsification theories, with prepared bio-diesel oil as raw ma-terial and oleis acid as the surfactant,many kinds of micro-emulsified bio-diesel oil were prepared, and their phase diagrams of pseudo-ternary microemulsions were drawed. The influ-ence of temperature on the stability of micro-emulsified bio-diesel oil was studied.the pre-pared micro-emulsified bio-diesel oil was burn by a BH175F-1 diesel engine, and realized higher power output and thermal efficiency as that with No.0 diesel as fuel.The content of NO in exhaust gas obviously reduced,which indicated the pollution reducing clearly.
出处 《可再生能源》 CAS 2006年第3期51-54,58,共5页 Renewable Energy Resources
关键词 微乳化 生物柴油 脂交换反应 micro-emulsification bio-diesel oil reaction of transesterification
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