
1002例4岁以下小儿潮气呼吸流速-容量环正常值的研究 被引量:57

Study on the reference values of tidal flow-volume loop in 1002 normal Chinese children under 4 years old
摘要 目的测定健康小儿潮气呼吸肺功能正常值。方法用潮气呼吸方法测定1002例1~47个月小儿流速-容量曲线并计算其衍生参数。结果流速-容量环在健康婴幼儿呈不典型椭圆型,随年龄增长渐趋光滑。4岁以下小儿各项肺功能测定值主要与身高、体重、月龄相关,以前两者尤其是身高关系更为明显。有关参数显示:小儿肺容量的增加大于流速的增长,小气道的发育快于大气道,代谢率随着年龄的增长而降低,达峰时间比(TPTEF/TE),达峰容积比(VPEF/VE)在各年龄组间差异存在,其数值的变化可反映小气道的阻塞情况。结论小儿肺功能与身高、体重、月龄相关,尤与身高相关更为显著;潮气呼吸肺功能测定简便、准确、重复性好,可作为4岁以下小儿检测肺功能的首选。 Objective To establish the predicted value of pulmonary function for normal Chinese children under 4 years old. Methods The tidal flow-volume loop (TFV) and other parameters (the volume, flow rate and resistance) were measured in 1002 normal children, aged between 0-47 months. They were devided into 8 groups. Results TFV in healthy baby appeared to be atypical ellipse,it changed to be tactful as the child grow up. Most of the parameters had close relationship with height,weight and age,especially for the first two ones. Relative parameters showed that the expansion of volume was quicker than the increment of the flow. The development of small airways was quicker than the large airways. The metabolic rate decreased with the age increasing. The change of TPTEF/ TE, VPEF/ VE could reflect the degree of the obstruction in the small airway. Conclusion Tidal breathing testing is the first choice in testing the pulmonary function for children under 4 years with more accurate,simplicity and reproducibility.
出处 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期486-488,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 小儿 潮气呼吸肺功能 正常预计值 children tidal breathing normal reference value
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