
通用导弹气动力计算软件DATCOM的开发与校验 被引量:16

Development and verification of a common software DATCOM for missile aerodynamic force calculation
摘要 M issile Datcom是由美国空军研发的一套用于导弹气动力估算的软件,在飞行器方案设计阶段具有较高的实用价值。在深入分析M issile Datcom软件源代码的基础上,结合研究成果对软件进行了开发,利用VC++编制了便于用户使用的图形界面,并利用某型导弹的风洞试验数据对软件进行了校验。结果表明,该软件在一定范围内能提供较高精度的气动力系数估算结果,对不同导弹气动力外形具有较强的适用性,为国内气动力工程估算提供了一套通用工具。 Missile Datcom software, which was developed by the United States Air Force (USAF) for engineering estimation of the missile aerodynamic force, is practical at the design stage of aircraft. On the basis of analysis on source code of the data compendium(DATCOM) software, the software was developed in combinition with development achievement. A friendly graphical user interface(GUI) were programed by means of VC++ software and the software code was verified by the wind tunnel experiment data of a missile. The results show that the software can provide accurate estimation for missile aerodynamic force coefficient within the certain and find application for different missile configuration. So the software can be served as a kind of common tool for the engineering estimation of missile aerodynamic force at home.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期161-164,共4页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10302031) 国家高技术研究计划(863)资助项目(2003AA721051)
关键词 导弹 气动力 工程估算 软件开发 校验 missile aerodynamic force engineering estimation software development verification
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