介绍7~14岁大龄儿童先天性髋关节脱位的远期随访效果,随访时间为3~15年,平均6年10个月,结果 Pemberton 术临床功能及 X 线形态优良率为82.5%及75%,骨盆旋转截骨术为63%及55%,Zahradnick 术为78.5%及72.5%,Shanz 术为75%及73%。认为 Pemberton 术是大龄儿童先天性髋关节脱位首选术式。Shanz 术只要截骨平面平坐骨结节,截骨后外展角度为45°,截骨后股骨轴线正好通过髋臼窝,效果好。
A long-term follow-up of 3 to 15 years(6 yrs and 10 mos in average)was made on children aged 7-14 years with congenital dislocation of the hip(CDH)treated by various surgical techniques.According to clinical and X-ray examination,good results were 82.5% and 75% re- spectively in Pemherton acetabuloplasty group,63% and 55% in salter innominate osteotomy group,72.5% and 72% in Zahradnick osteotomy group,75% and 73% in Shanz osteotomy group.The authors emphasize that the Pemberton is the best way for older children with CDH. The outcome of Shanz osteotomy was also good with the cross seetion at a high level dose to the ischial tuberosity and the distal fragment of the femur abducted at 45°,and the axial line of the fe- mur just passed through the acetabulum.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery