
葡萄产量与气象条件的关系 被引量:18

Relations between Output of Grape and Meteorologic Condition
摘要 利用近10年清徐葡萄的产量资料以及同期气象观测资料,分析温度、光照、降水等主要气象条件对葡萄产量的影响。结果显示,生长期有效积温、5月下旬及6月上旬气温、光照与葡萄产量有较好的相关关系;葡萄生长期对降水量、日照时数需求存在临界值。 Based on the last ten years of grape output data in Qingxu and the corresponding meteorological observational data, this paper analyzed the main meteorological condition such as temperature, light and rainfall in the key growth period of grape and its influence to the output of grape. The result showed that: the effective accumulated temperature in the growth period, the late May and early June's temperature and lighting hours have remarkable correlations with grape harvest ; The grape' s demand for rainfall and lighting hours in its growth period exists critical value.
作者 李瑞萍
出处 《山西农业科学》 2006年第3期40-42,共3页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
关键词 气象条件 葡萄 产量 相关分析 Meteorologic condition Grape output Analysis on the correlation
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