AIM: To investigate histological characteristics of gastric polyps in the Korean population. METHODS: We reviewed endoscopic photographs and medical records of patients with gastric polyps who underwent endoscopic mucosal resection from April 1996 through February 2003. RESULTS: A total of 85 gastric polyps from 74 patients were reviewed, Male-to-female ratio was 1:1,96, Mean age was 59.9 =1:10,8 years. Multiple polyps were observed in 10,8%, Gastric polyps occurred most frequently in the antrum (58.8%), Pathological results on resected specimens were as follows: tubular adenoma 45.9%, hyperplastic polyp 31.8%, inflammatory polyp 9.4%, hamartoma 3.5%, fundic gland polyp 2.4%, tubulovillous adenoma 2.4%, adenocarcinoma 2.4%, dysplasia 1.1%, and mucosal pseudolipomatosis 1.1%. Discrepancy rate between endoscopic biopsy and pathology of resected specimens was 27.1%. There was no relationship between the size of the polyp and concordance rate. CONCLUSION: There is considerable discrepancy in histologic findings between endoscopic forceps biopsy and resected specimens. Approaches to review of the histology of an entire polyp should be performed, especially when an adenoma is suspected.
瞄准:在朝鲜人口调查胃的息肉的组织学的特征。方法:我们与胃的息肉考察了内视镜的相片和病人的医药记录通过 2003 年 2 月从 1996 年 4 月经历了内视镜的粘膜切除术。结果:从 74 个病人的 85 胃的息肉的一个总数被考察。Male-to-female 比率是 1:1.96。吝啬的年龄是 59.9 +/- 10.8 年。多重息肉在 10.8% 被观察。胃的息肉最经常发生在窦(58.8%) 。resected 标本上的病理学的结果如下:管状腺瘤 45.9% ,增生的息肉 31.8% ,煽动性的息肉 9.4% ,错构瘤 3.5% ,底的腺息肉 2.4% , tubulovillous 腺瘤 2.4% ,腺癌 2.4% ,发育异常 1.1% ,并且粘膜 pseudolipomatosis 1.1% 。在 resected 标本的内视镜的活体检视和病理之间的差异率是 27.1% 。在息肉和词语索引率的尺寸之间没有关系。结论:在在内视镜的钳活体检视和 resected 标本之间的 histologic 调查结果有可观的差异。全部息肉的组织学的评论的途径应该被执行,特别当一个腺瘤被怀疑时。