

On Chinese Literature Acceptance under the Influence of Contemporary Cultural Trend of Thought
摘要 文学接受受文艺思潮影响甚大。当代,由于文艺政策的不同,引起创作和理论发生转换,由此导致近半个世纪的文学接受呈现出一种独特的景象即从接受动机来看,现实主义接受是当代文学接受的主潮;从期待视野来看,当代文学接受主潮的主题意蕴由宏大走向私人化;从文化传播来看,当代文学接受呈现出由封闭、一元、被动到开放、多元、主动。正是接受与创作主体的互动关系,推动着文学不断向前,从而使当代文学呈现出一种更加契合时代精神的、更加符合文学和人的内涵的新的面貌。 Contemporary cultural trend of thought influences Chinese literature acceptance in the following respects: from the angle of acceptance motive, realistic acceptance is the main tendency of contemporary literature acceptance; from the angle of expectation, contemporary literature acceptance changes from grand to private themes; from the angle of cultural communication, contemporary literature acceptance changes from being closed, centralized and passive to being open, pluralistic and active. The interactions between acceptance and literary creation subjects results in the brand - new literature with the spirit of times as well as the humanism.
作者 薛敏
出处 《唐都学刊》 2006年第4期142-145,共4页 Tangdu Journal
基金 陕西省教育厅科技攻关项目"中国当代文学接受史研究"。项目编号(04JK036)
关键词 文学接受 接受动机 期待视野 文化传播 literature acceptance acceptance motive the angle of expectation cultural communication
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