目的探讨抗生素对急性弥漫性腹膜炎的作用。方法根据手术结果确诊患者71例,按照抗生素应用时间划分,将患者分为(A、B、C、D、E)组,评价各组真菌感染率,败血症发生率,耐药菌感染及死亡率。结果在5组当中,D、E组真菌感染和耐药菌发生率显著升高。死亡率和败血症发生率各组比较无显著性差异。真菌感染18例,感染率25.35%;耐药菌感染率为21例,感染率为35.21%;死亡16例,死亡率为22.54%。结论耐药菌和真菌感染率在抗生素使用21 d以后明显上升,建议抗生素使用时间不要超过21 d。
Aim To discuss the appropriate way of antibiotics in patients suffered from acute diffuse peritonitis. Methods 71 cases of acute diffuse peritonitis were divided into 5 groups according to the application time of antibiotic A (4 - 7 days), B( 8 - 14 days), C ( 15 - 21 days), D ( 22 - 28 days) and E ( 〉 29 days) groups. The occurrence of infection of fungi, sepsis , antibacterial resistance and the mortality of each group were analyzed. Results The incidence of infection of fugi and antibacterial resistance were higher in group D and E, and the incidence of sepsis and the mortality changed little among all the 5 groups. The incidence of infection of fungi, antibacerial resisitance and the mortality rate were 25.35% ,35.21% and 22.54% respectively. Conclusion More than 21days of antibiotics used in patients of acute diffuse peritonitis doesnt benefit the reduction of sepsis and the morality. The time of antibiotics used in patients of acute diffuse peritonitis not more than 21days was appropriate.
Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
acute diffuse peritonitis
antibacterial resistance
fungi infection