
大颗粒纳米晶TiO_2的制备与降解硝基苯的研究 被引量:2

Study on the photocatalytic degradation of nitrobenzene with large TiO_2 particles
摘要 采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了大颗粒TiO2为光催化剂,并通过XRD、SEM、BET等方法对制备的催化剂结构进行了表征,研究了硝基苯溶液光催化降解的影响因素,并根据降解机理讨论了降解过程中的中间产物。结果表明:大颗粒TiO2催化剂有比较高的活性,同时硝基苯初始浓度、降解环境、溶液pH值方面对降解过程有影响。 In this paper, large particles of TiO2 were prepared by sol-gel processing and the obtained samples were charactered by XRD,SEM and BET. The process of the photocatalytic degradation of nitrobenzene by using large TiO2 particles as catalyst. Effects of the original concentration of nitrobenzene, the degradation circumstance, pH value on photocatalytic degradation were investigated in detail. The main immediate products of nitrobenzene were analyzed according to the mechanisms of the degradation. The result showed this TiO2 photocatalyst is featured by the characteristic of high photocatalytic activity, easy separation.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期77-80,共4页 New Chemical Materials
关键词 大颗粒TiO2 光催化降解 硝基苯 large titanium dioxide particle, photocatalytic degradation, nitrobenzene
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