设计了一种用于便携式气相色谱仪的色谱柱均温加热装置,对装置的性能做了考察。该装置是一个外径91mm、内径89.7mm、高50mm的铝筒,内壁贴有两层硅橡胶,两个硅橡胶层之间绕有443gl的电阻丝,最大功耗为109W,可以实现线性程序升温(90℃/min),最高温度180℃。OV-1毛细管柱(9m×0.25mm i.d.×0.3μm)绕在铝筒外侧。用C6-C12正构烷烃作样品,考察了仪器的的性能,分流进样,FID检测。保留时问重复误差≤2.7%(n-5),峰面积重复误差≤11%(n-5)。结果表明,本装置能够用于沸点低于210℃物质的分离分析。
A column heating device has been designed for portable gas chromatograph and its performance was evaluated. The heating device is a thin aluminum cylinder with the outer diameter of 91mm, inner diameter 89.7mm and height 50mm. A double-layer silicon rubber sheet is adhered to the inner wall of the cylinder with the heating resistance wire wound between two layers. The maximum power consumption of the heating device is 109W. The temperature ramps up to 90℃/min can be realized and the maximum temperature is 180℃. The performance of the device was tested using n-alkanes (C6-C12) as samples. An OV-1 fused silica capillary column (9m×0.25mm i. d.×0.3μm) was wound around the cylinder and split injection and FID were used. The relative standard deviations of the retention times and peak areas are 2.7% (n =5) and 11% (n=5), respectively. The results show that the heating device is suitable to be used for the analysis of compounds with boiling point lower than 210℃.
Analytical Instrumentation