
社会网络作用于创业融资的机制研究 被引量:24

The Research for Function Mechanism of Social Net-works on the Venture Financing
摘要 信息不对称和创业计划未来的高度不确定性,造成了创业融资活动中资金供需双方的交易困难。经济学者以契约设计为主线的理论不能完全解释创业融资现象,而社会网络理论则提供了新的理论手段。本文提出,社会网络通过信息机制、互惠机制和文化认同机制,对创业融资活动产生重大影响。 Information asymmetry and future high uncertainty of venture business plan lead to the difficulty that entrepreneurs and investors make a deal. Economic theory based on contract design can't explain the phenomenon of venture financing completely, and the social network theory provides a new theory method. This research argues that social networks influence venture financing significantly by information mechanism, reciprocity mechanism, and cultural convergence mechanism.
作者 林剑
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2006年第4期70-75,共6页 Nankai Business Review
关键词 创业融资 社会网络 机制 Venture Financing Social Network Mechanism
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