
不定根发生机理的研究进展 被引量:8

Research Progress in Mechanism of Adventitious Root Organgenesis
摘要 不定根的发生是一个复杂的过程,许多因子在这个过程中起调控作用。文章介绍了国内外关于基因表达、内源激素水平、酶的活性以及多胺水平影响不定根发生机理的研究进展。 The course of adventitious root organgenesis is complicated and many factors influence it. The foreign and domestic reports about the mechanism how gene expression, endogenous hormone level, enzyme activity and polyamine level influence adventitious root organgensis were indroduced.
作者 张昉 郭素娟
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《广东林业科技》 2006年第3期91-95,共5页 Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province
关键词 不定根 基因表达 内源激素酶 多胺 adventitious root, gene expression, endogenous hormone, enzyme, polyamine
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