
无症状脑梗塞早期诊断的探讨 被引量:5

A study of early diagnosis on symptomless cerebral infarction
摘要 [目的]对比无症状脑梗塞脑电图(EEG)与头颅磁共振(MR)扫描两者之间的符合率。[方法]对204例正常体检者全部进行EEG及MR检查。[结果]发现无症状脑梗塞21例,其中腔隙性梗塞19例,脑叶梗塞2例。高血压及糖尿病性微血管病是主要病因。[结论]EEG“阳性率”与头颅MR扫描结果比较,两者符合率为62.5%。提示EEG对无症状脑梗塞的粗筛具有重要意义。 [ Objective] To compare the coincidence rate between the EEGs(electroencephalo- graph) from patients with symptomless cerebral infarction and their head MRs( magnetic resonance). [ Methods] 204 cases of normal examinees are all examined with EEG and MR. [ Results] 21 of the 204 cases have symptomless cerebral infarction, of whom 19 have lacuna infarction and 2 have lobe infarction. The main reason for symptomless cerebral infarction is hypertension, and microangiopathy caused by diabetes mellitus. [ Conclusion] Compared the EEG positive rate and the results of the head MRs, their coincidence rates are beth 62.5%, showing that EEG means much to the fiddle of symptomless cerebral infarction.
出处 《大连医科大学学报》 CAS 2006年第4期319-320,共2页 Journal of Dalian Medical University
关键词 无症状脑梗塞 脑电图 磁共振 symptomless cerebral infarction EGG(electroencephalo- graph) MR(magnetic resonance)
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