
基于TCMGIS-Ⅰ的乌拉尔甘草生态适宜区分析 被引量:14

Suitability Evaluation of Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fisch.′s Distributive Area Based on TCMGIS-Ⅰ
摘要 以内蒙古杭锦旗为“梁外”甘草的道地基点县,运用《中药材产地适宜性分析地理信息系统》(TCMGIS-Ⅰ),分析了乌拉尔甘草在全国的生态适宜区。结果表明以生产“梁外”甘草药材为目标的乌拉尔甘草的生态适宜区,除杭锦旗等“梁外”甘草传统产区外,还包括内蒙古、河北、山西、陕西、甘肃、新疆等6个省区的118个县市,生态适宜区(相似系数:SI≥90%)面积总和为304832·20km2。次适宜分布区和适宜分布区面积大致相等。一般适宜区面积是适宜区面积的4倍左右。分析结果比第3次全国中药资源普查记载的省份增加了吉林省东部和北京周边地区,为下次资源普查和引种栽培提供了依据,同时也进一步验证了TCMGIS-Ⅰ系统的科学性和可靠性。通过乌拉尔甘草生态适宜性分析发现土壤和植被类型可能是影响甘草分布的主导因素。 The TCMGIS- Ⅰ(Suitability evaluation geographic information system of traditional Chinese medicine producing area ) was developed and used to analyze the appropriate distributive area of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. in China. Hangjin county of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, one of the main producing areas of the geo - authentic crude drugs, was regarded as the analytical basal place. The results show that besides traditional producing area such as Hangjin county of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, 118 counties of 6 provinces, such as Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Shan'xi province, Shanxi province, Hebei province, Xinjiang Uigur autonomous region and Gansu province are also adaptive area according to the eco - soil condition if Liangwai' licorice need to be produced. The total area of adaptive producing zone is about 304 832. 20 km2. The area of secondary adaptive producing zone is nearly equal to adaptive zone. The adaptive area of G. uralensis analyzed by TCMGIS -Ⅰcovers almost all of the area divided by the third national Chinese medicine resources surveying and at the same time provides the east region of Jilin province and surround area of Beijing city which are not recorded before. The result suggested that the system is much valuable to the recognition of the formation of the producing area, the division of adaptive area, introduction and acclimatization of medicinal materials. This paper also discovers that the soil and vegetation may be the most important effecting factor on distribution of G. uralensis.
出处 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2006年第8期4-8,20,共6页 Modern Chinese Medicine
关键词 TCMGIS-Ⅰ 地理信息系统 乌拉尔甘草 生态适宜性 TCMGIS -Ⅰ Geographic information system Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch Suitability of producing area
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