
水体内部的沉积作用——内波、内潮汐沉积研究综述 被引量:6

A Review on Research of Internal-wave and Internal-tide Deposition in Waters
摘要 介绍了内波的概念、沉积实例、沉积特征、沉积模式等;还对内波沉积作用机理作了深入分析。大多数海洋和湖泊中都有内波存在,其波幅可以是表面波的20~30倍,是海水混合和海底沉积物二次搬运的重要营力。内波形成的沉积物规模可以很大,沉积物中的砂岩成分成熟度和结构成熟度高。内波沉积研究对于油气勘探具有重要意义,特别是在海相油气勘探领域。目前对内波沉积物的成岩特征和含油气性方面的研究还比较薄弱;应从沉积特征、地球物理响应、测井响应等方面入手,逐步形成一套全面、系统、完整的识别标志;还应该与海洋学、水动力学等研究紧密结合,深入探讨内波的形成机理和控制因素。 The concept, instances, characters and models of internal-wave deposit are presented. The depositional mechanism of internal-wave deposit is analyzed. Internal-wave exits within most seas and lakes. The characteristics of internal-waves may be great different from each other, such as the amplitude, wavelength, cycle, transmit velocity, generating water depth, and so on. Amplitude of internal-wave can be up to 20 to 30 times of surface wave. Internal-wave is an important process for the seabed sediments to be retransported because it can drive waters to move not only downslope but also upslope. Sediments of internal-wave commonly deposit in a great dimension. Having elutriated for many times, the sandstone of internal-wave sediments have high maturity. The study of internal-wave is important to petroleum exploration, especially to exploration in marine facies formations. The author suggests thoughtways for farther deep study.
出处 《海相油气地质》 2006年第3期39-45,共7页 Marine Origin Petroleum Geology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:40272060) 石油科技中青年创新基金项目(编号:2002F70102)资助
关键词 内波 内潮汐 内波流 内波沉积 沉积特征 沉积模式 沉积机理 Internal wave Internal tide Internal wave fluid Internal wave deposit Sedimentation characteristics Sedimentation model
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