
石英晶体的色散方程及折射率温度系数 被引量:23

The Study on Dispersive Equation and Thermal Refractive Index Coefficient of Quartz Crystal
摘要 研究了石英晶体在不同温度下折射率随波长的变化规律.通过对Sellmeier方程严格求解,得出了其系数表达式,计算出了不同波长对应的折射率,经验证与实验值符合得很好.通过曲线拟合求解出了折射率温度系数表达式,由此式可计算出不同波长折射率温度系数;进一步求解出了Sellmeier方程常量随温度变化地数值,得到求解不同温度任意波长的石英晶体主折射率的一种方法. The rules of quartz crystal that the refractive index varies with the wavelength at different temperature are studied. With strict solution, the expression about the coefficient of Sellmeier equation is gained, and the refractive indices corresponding to different wavelength are calculated, they are consistent with the experimental results ~ The expression of the thermal refractive index coefficients at different wavelength are gotten by curve-fitting means, and the thermal refractive index coefficients at different wavelength are calculated. Then the constants of the Sellmeier equation at different temperature are gained, so a method of doing the refractive indices of quartz crystal at different temperature and different wavelength is got.
作者 赵爽 吴福全
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1183-1186,共4页 Acta Photonica Sinica
关键词 晶体光学 温度系数 曲线拟合 Sellmeier方程 色散 Crystal optics Temperature coefficients Curve-fitting Sellmeier equation Dispersion
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