
兔体外循环中聚乙二醇牛血红蛋白偶联物对平均动脉压、胶体渗透压及p50的影响 被引量:4

Effect of PEG-conjugated bovine hemoglobin on mean arterial pressure,colloid osmotic pressure and p50 during cardiopulmonary bypass in rabbits
摘要 目的探讨在体外循环(CPB)预充液中加入聚乙二醇牛血红蛋白偶联物(PEG-bHb)对兔平均动脉压(MAP)、胶体渗透压(COP)及p50的影响。方法24只成年健康大耳白兔(2.59±0.19)kg,通过股动脉、颈静脉插管建立体外循环通路,转流1h。随机分成3组,对照组(n =8),以晶/胶体液作为体外循环预充液;实验组1(n=8),在预充液中加入PEG-bHb,PEG-bHb占总容量(兔循环血量+预充量)的5%;实验组2(n=8),预充液中加入PEG-bHb,占总容量(兔循环血量+预充量)的15%,体外循环开始后放出自体血(放血量占兔循环血量的20%),CPB结束后将自体血回输。每组监测CPB前和CPB中平均动脉压;在CPB前、CPB中15、50 min、CPB后1 h测胶体渗透压及动脉血p50值。结果实验组1和实验组2在CPB中的MAP均高于对照组,但只有实验组2在转中10 min时与对照组相比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实验组2在CPB中COP值均较高;实验组1动脉血p50值较对照组高。结论PEG-bHb占实验兔循环血量+预充量的5%对CPB中和CPB后MAP和COP无明显影响,并且由p50提示向组织释放O_2量增多,此量可安全用于CPB预充;另外,在CPB前放出部分自体血将对CPB中血液保护发挥一定作用。 Objective To investigate the effect of PEG-conjugated bovine hemoglobin (PEG- bHb) on mean arterial pressure, colloid osmotic pressure (COP) and p50 when added direcdy to CPB prime in anaesthetized rabbits. Methods Twenty-four anaesthetized rabbits, (2.59 ± 0.19) kg,connected to CPB by jugular venous and femoral arterial cannulaton for 1 h,were randomly divided into 3 groups. In control group ( n = 8), a crystalloid/colloid solution was used as prime solution. In experimental group 1 (n = 8),PEG-bHb (5 % total volume) was used in the pump prime of bypass (Total volume was the sum of circulation volume and prime volume). In experimental group 2 (n = 8), PEG-bHb (15 % total volume) was used in the pump prime with previous blood harvesting (20% circulation volume) before CPB. MAP, COP and p50 were monitored throughout the procedure. Results A significant increase in MAP pressure (P 〈 0.05) was shown in experimental group 2,10 min of CPB as compared with control group. COP in experimental group 2 during CPB was higher. P50 in experimental group 1 during CPB was higher than that in control group. Conclusion PEG-bHb (5 % total volume) is well tolerated used in the pump prime of bypass.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期1044-1046,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 国家"863"计划基金(2002AA205101)
关键词 血压 体外循环 胶体渗透压 Blood pressure Cardiopulmonary bypass Colloid osmotic pressure
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