
基于月度竞价空间滚动均衡化的年中标电量分解 被引量:29

Decomposition of Yearly Bided Volume Based on Roll-uniformization of Monthly Competitive Bidding Spaces
摘要 东北区域电力市场的年度电量交易额约占总合约电量的80%,月度电量交易额约占总合约电量的20%。在年度电量交易完成后,需将年度中标合同电量分解到各个月,从而获得每个月应当完成的年合同电量分解计划。一般地,区域电力市场年中标电量按平均的方式分解到各月,这种方式既不利于月度电量交易市场的稳定,也不利于电网公司降低购电成本。针对该问题,文中提出了月电量竞价空间滚动均衡化的年中标总电量的分解方法及数学模型,得出了月电量竞价空间均衡化相对于不均衡时给电网公司节省的购电费用的关系,并分析了价格浮动对均衡化效益的影响。算例表明:在使月电量竞价空间达到均衡化时的年中标总电量的分解结果可以减少月度电量交易市场电价波动幅度、降低电网公司在月度交易市场上支付的购电费用。 The yearly bided volume' s occupancy factor of the whole volume in the northeast regional electricity market of China is about 80%, and that of the monthly bided volume is about 20%. When the yearly bid accomplished, we need to find a method to know the decomposition of the yearly bided volume to each month, then to get the monthly generation scheme. Generally, yearly bided volume of electricity in regional electricity market is averagely decomposed to each month of the year at hand. The average decomposition way has such disadvantages as going against the stability of monthly bidding market and the decrease of purchasing cost of the grid company. For this problem, this paper proposed a decomposition method of year bided volume based on the roll-uniformization of monthly competitive bidding space, and educes the relationship of purchasing costs between the uniformization and the non-uniformization of monthly competitive bidding spaces. Moreover, the impact of price drift on uniformization benefit is analyzed. Computation examples show that the decomposition method proposed can not only reduce the fluctuation of the price of monthly bided volume but also decrease purchasing cost of the grid company in monthly bidding market.
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第17期24-27,64,共5页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
关键词 电力市场 竞价 分解 滚动均衡化 electricity market bidding decomposition roll-uniformization
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