
多系配套杂交群体遗传结构分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Genetic Structure in Multi-line Hybrid Breed System
摘要 利用8个微卫星标记对杜长大三元杂交群体5个种群,斯格配套系8个种群的遗传结构进行了分析。通过计算等位基因频率、基因杂合度、平均杂合度、多态信息含量、纯种间的遗传距离、F-统计量和迁移率进行分析。结果表明各群体的平均基因杂合度存在一定差异。纯种、祖代、父母代、商品代群体的平均座位杂合度和多态信息含量随着群体在杂交繁育体系中位置的由高到低而逐渐升高。Nei氏标准遗传距离显示,父本和母本间的遗传距离大,遗传距离大的父本和母本用于杂交,产生的杂种优势最大,这与实际的杂交组合一致。Fst衡量等位基因频率群体间方差,杜长大群体大约总变异的1.02%~15.60%来自种群间,而剩余的84.40%~98.98%来自种群内,斯格群体大约总变异的3.02%~15.22%来自种群间,而剩余的84.78%~96.98%来自种群内,斯格和杜长大纯种的遗传分化处于较小到中等之间。 The allele frequencies, heterozygosity ( H), average heterozygosity, polymorphism informatiom content (PIC), Nei^s genetic distance, F-statistics, migration rate were studied in Five herds of Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire of three-breed cross breeding system and eight herds of Seghers 5-line-crossbreed commercial hybrid line. The results showed that there were differences among allele fequencies of eight microsatellite loci in populations, The average locus heterozygosity and average polymorphism information content of pure breed herd, grandparent herd, parent herd and commercial hybrid herd rose gradually with the decline of herd position in the hybrid system. Maternal line and paternal line have large genetic distance according to standard genetic distance of Nei’s. Maternal line and paternal line with large genetic distance will bring great heterosis,it is similar to actually. The Fst statistics showed the allele frequent variances among populations. The results indicated that 1.02% -15.60% and 84.40% - 98.98% of total variation were from between and within population variations respectively of Duroc × Landrace× Yorkshire of three-breed cross breeding System, 3.02%-15.22% and 84.78%-96.98% of total variation were from between and within population variations respectively of Seghers 5-line-crossbreed commercial hybrid line. Fst is located between midding and smallness.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第9期846-851,共6页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
关键词 微卫星 遗传多样性 遗传结构 多系配套杂交群体 microsatellite genetic diversity genetic structure pig Multi-line Hybrid Breed System
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